Thursday 9 February 2012

Looking back at term 2!
Our project last term was 'Space.'  I was amazed at how much the children knew and learned about Space.  We really enjoyed finding out about the first man landing on the moon and there was a lot of debate about if it really happened or not!  We enjoyed working together to make space shuttles.

P1 came and shared their learning about Space with us.

We were all really proud of two very responsible citizens in our class who decided to raise money for Children in Need by cutting their hair.  The class desgined posters to put around the school persuading children and adults to give money to the charity.  On Children in Need day, everyone wore something spotty and we raised a total of £289!  Many thanks to all who donated.

The term started with a visit to the new school building site.  It was great fun getting on the hard hats and having a snoop around at the classrooms and the new all-weather pitch.

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